Tuesday 6 July 2010

Things I Really Must Do Over The Summer - Revisited #1!

As hard as it is to believe, one third of the summer holidays is over. Horrible, isn't it? A few weeks ago, I wrote a list of what I wanted to do with all my time. Let's have a look!

  • Finish Fresia Well, I've finished the second draft, but there's still things that need to be fixed...
  • Try to go to beach - often Gah! I've only done this once so far, in Portugal. Must go soon! And no, I don't care that I live in the bloody Midlands!
  • Go for picnics in Castle Park Must do this!
  • Go to Holidays premiere That's being held in August.
  • Read 100 books 91 to go...
  • Write list of 100 books to be read 49 to go...
  • Write at least three articles for PTS 2 to go...
  • Don't stay up all night and sleep all day, such a waste. (This blog post is being written at 00:52. I love burning the midnight oil, but it's really difficult because I can't wake the rest of the house, and they can't know I'm up... Why did I have to get the creaky door?) Yes! YES! I ACTUALLY DID NOT DO SOMETHING I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO DO! THIS SUMMER HAS NOT BEEN A FAILURE!
  • Get new clothes. Surprisingly, I did do this.
  • Watch three Audrey Hepburn movies. Ah... not yet.
  • Get new Converse. Yes! Best Converse ever!
  • Dye hair bright red. Ah... But this will happen! It will!
I feel like a failure. Oh well, at least I'm doing OPERATION AWESOME later. I'll tell you about that in a few hours...




Ariella said...

Haha, cool. I got new Converse too! A few pairs. And I dyed my hair red too! Admittedly, I only put in highlights, but still... And purple too.
And I've read more books than you!
But don't feel bad. I'm a super-reader. And I have no social life.

Alexa. said...

Dang, what's up with everyone with summer lists? Mine's all, "Become a spider" and "sing Wouldn't It Be Loverly with a cockney accent at the top of my lungs". Hey, power to you for getting things done.

XxLadyBugxX said...

I sooo need new converse too, just waiting for the funds! Haha You think you have it hard to get to the beach!:P:L Try living in pretty much the EXACT centre of Ireland! Best we have is a lake, a river and a canal!Hmm I'm on my eighth book of the summer, but I have no target! And I was Away for a whole week where books were unwelcome...
P.S. Love the Emma Watson Beauty Spotlight!