Friday 15 January 2010

Who Killed Candy Destiny Star?

I've been very sad recently. No one's died or anything, but I can get depressed really easily. But never mind that now.
So I have had an idea! Presenting....

The Assassinita!

Yup, she kills people. It's all in the name, y'know. She doesn't give a damn about the people she kills, because she's been in the business since she was five years old. I have to figure out the rest. I'm taking inspiration from this illustration, Who Killed Candy Destiny Star? by Ale Mercado. Actually, this picture holds much sentimentality for me. No, I'm not in the picture.

You see, in Kilkenny, the Arts Office created a publication called the Rhyme Rag, to showcase teen's poetry. This year, I sent in a little poem called Who Killed Candy Destiny Star? and it got in! Each poem is illustrated by Ale Mercado who is one of the best in Ireland and my poem was printed there, beside her elbow. I'll show you all the poem now.

Who Killed Candy Destiny Star?

Who killed Candy Destiny Star?
Why, and what's the reason for?

'I didn't kill Candy!' yelled her manager,
'I loved her like my own daughter?
She made me a living, and did whatever I said,
Some say I'm a tyrant, but I'm a clean-cut man
I'll miss her... and her money...
But I didn't want her to die; nobody did!'

Who killed Candy Destiny Star?
Why, and what's the reason for?

'We didn't kill her!' shouted the paps,
'Sure we loved her, her looks were our gain!
She may have loathed us and hated us,
But we were her ticket to fame!
Without us she was nothing, like all on the Hills,
But we didn't want her to die; nobody did!'

Who killed Candy Destiny Star?
Why, and what's the reason for?

'We didn't kill her!' wept her parents,
'Why would we? She's our own daughter!
When she shot to fame, yeah it was fun,
And so were the cars and the villas.
We may have pushed her, but we wanted what's best
But we didn't want her to die; nobody did!'

Who killed Candy Destiny Star?
Why, and what's the reason for?

This is me, reading the poem on the night of the launch in November. I'm not really that short. The smiling man with black hair is Adam Wyeth, the editor. He's a famous poet in Britain and Ireland. He mentioned Candy in his opening speech. 'smugness'


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh that's great that you got it published!

Eleanor Roscuro said...

Thanks! Do you know of anything like the Rhyme Rag in your area?

Jessica Samantha said...

Damn, girl, you're so famous now! Nice poem, I really really like this! I'm so proud of you xD

Anonymous said...

not really.... besides i wouldn't enter anything like that cuase well, i'm kinda discouraged.... -_-
your welcome!

Eleanor Roscuro said...

EEEEP! Thank you all so much! You know, my mam thinks C.D.S. is actually Princess Diana, and Adam Wyeth thinks it's Amy Winehouse. I have to admit, I didn't have anyone in my mind when I was writing it. What do you think?